I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I got invited to the baptism of my cousin’s daughter. I had already purchased a gift but I also wanted to give her something really special made by me. So I drew up a couple of cookie sketches and off to bake I went! I envisioned that the cookies would […]
Father’s Day Bow Tie, Tie and Mustache Cookies
This is a bit late but I have been busy baking up some Father’s Day cookies! What dad doesn’t like a nice bow tie, tie or maybe even a mustache? A bow tie or a tie are the perfect accessories to finish up the look on dad’s suit! Now you might be asking yourself what about […]
Holly Leaf Cookies
This year when I purchased the plates, napkins and tablecloths for our Christmas party the theme was the Holly Leaf. I wanted everyone to have a take home gift so I decided to make Holly Leaf cookies as a thank you gift. Here is a tutorial on how to make Holly Leaf cookies. First you […]
Bridal Shower Cookies
A couple of months ago a good friend of mine got engaged. When she called to tell me the great news she also asked me for a huge favor. The huge favor was to make her some cookies for her bridal shower. I immediatley asked her if she had anything in mind and she said […]
Red, White & Blue Stars
These are the second set of cookies that I made for a 4th of July pool party. I was told that they were a hit and everyone loved them! How to: 1- Outline your cookie with the same color of sanding sugar that you will be using. 2- Flood your cookie with the same […]
4th of July Cookies
Hi! This past Monday was Independence Day in the US and I was busy baking and decorating. Below is a picture of some cookies I made for a barbecue party. I will soon be posting instructions on how you can achieve the marble cookie look. It’s very simple and it looks very impressive. Thank you […]